Kickstart your Sustainability Journey through Job Redesign and Reskilling

May 29, 2024

For hotels contemplating on how to kickstart your sustainability journey, you are not alone!

Learn how Momentus Hotel Alexandra jump-started their hotel sustainability journey from the human capital perspective and rightly so.

With the support from CCP for Tourism Professionals, Mr Willie Ong, Director of Learning, Quality and Sustainability is embracing his new job scope as the Sustainability Champion for Momentus Hotel Alexandra.

Having an internal talent drive sustainability with firsthand knowledge of existing operations and challenges as opposed to recruiting a new sustainability manager, the hotel’s smart move fostered buy-in from fellow colleagues and helped to support Willie in driving environmentally sustainable practices across all departments.

When asked about his first thoughts upon learning about the job redesign (JR) opportunity, Willie shared: “I was extremely excited that the management presented me with this opportunity. Despite being 64 years old, I saw this as a chance for me to make a difference. While I had more than 40 years of experience focusing on training, management skills, and operations, this job redesign allowed me to expand my horizons and challenge myself holistically in a new role in sustainability which I had limited expertise in.”

Despite limited understanding of sustainability when he first started out, Willie self-learnt through extensive research on sustainability topics, success stories within the hotel industry and connected with peers and subject matter experts to gain new insights. Believing learning extends beyond the confines of a classroom, Willie counts engaging with practitioners as an invaluable way to pick up relevant sustainability skillsets.

Willie’s advice for industry colleagues who may be hesitant about job redesign and reskilling to take on an emerging role: “It is essential to recognise that job redesign and reskilling are catalysts to personal and professional growth, enhancing our adaptability and employability in an ever-evolving landscape. Regardless of age or experience level, I urge colleagues to embrace this journey of transformation as it is never too late to adapt and thrive in new roles.”


From left to right:
Rachel Ng, Hotel Manager and Willie Ong, Director of Learning, Quality and Sustainability at Momentus Hotel Alexandra
(Photo credit: Momentus Hotel Alexandra)

Drawing from the hotel’s successful CCP journey, Rachel Ng, Hotel Manager of Momentus Hotel Alexandra encourages hotel employers to look within their existing talent pool when considering ways to address evolving business and industry needs. Leveraging on the CCP framework, employers can embark on workforce transformation confidently to redesign jobs and provide structured training to individuals like Willie, who are open to embracing new opportunities and acquiring new skills that will help to future-proof the hotel’s success.

Rachel shared: “As an employer, especially in the hospitality industry, the Career Conversion Programme is valuable for staff development and retention. Instead of solely relying on traditional ways of career progression, consider offering staff members the opportunity to acquire emerging skills and take on new roles.

The monthly salary support cap employers can claim under CCP has been enhanced from 1 April 2024:

• Up to 70% of salary, capped at $5,000/month for Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents below age of 40
• Up to 90% of salary, capped at $7,500/month for Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents aged 40 years and above, or Long-term Unemployed (LTU)

Interested to find out more about the Career Conversion Programme for Tourism Professionals after hearing the success story from Momentus Hotel Alexandra? Contact SHA at today!